Git simplified and master it in 10 minutes!
OK, what is this Git thing! Just because the developers use it, doesn't mean its rocket science. Some are using it to work on family photo albums so it should be useful for all. Imagine if you were composing a document and wanted a far off friend's help on it, you would write the initial draft, then email the attachment to your friend, he would download, save a copy, edit it and then email it to you. Now suppose instead of this emailing overhead, if we could just have this document stored on your computer and your final edits pushed and stored on a web repository which your friend can download from and work on it locally and push the changes to the web repo until its perfect. Different versions of this document from the initial one to the final one is stored and available and could be called Versions, since the docs are available with everyone working on it and not central its distributed and you and your friend have a set of rules to control the flow, combing it, dis...